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Life Update: I'm such a big child + Work + YouTube

Half of the year is already gone...all I can think about is...WOW. So fast!
Anyways, Hello everyone!! It is that time again, a little life update of the past few months.
Going back to June, I started the month with some stress at work. I'm sure that even if we love and adore our jobs, there is always something we don't like doing, right? Or is it just me?
Well, I'm happy to say that even tho I did felt stressed going through that stressful moments, I survived and I think I learnt to deal with my stress a lot better than other years. Kinda proud of that.

Grandpa went to Spain to visit my mom and Jose and I celebrated an other birthday. Honestly, this year I wasn't feeling to excited about it. Mainly because so many things have changed. And I gotta say it did felt different but, I feel so, so lucky to have the greatest people around me who made my birthday a very special birthday week. I had many separate celebrations and all of them made me so happy. Thank you, thank you!
As usual, I have some birthday posts ans videos I'll link in here in case you feel like checking it out.
Vlog: Birthday Food!
Blog and Video: The Joker's Brthday Game + Harley Quinn inspired look photos
Blog: Birthday Post + The Joer's Birthday Game
And well, as for aging and all that...I do feel a little different than how I felt last year, I'm not sure how to explain. I'm kind of creating my own world and making some plans for me. But somehow, I'm still the same! I'm such a big child and I'm not ready to quit that just yet. I'm having fun and I'm still loving what I've always enjoyed doing but at the same time I'm thinking about my future and stuff. I don't want to become a boring adult, I want to be able to balance both. Being "mature" doesn't mean being boring. #JustSaying.
Let's hold hands and sing "forever young" now... 

Also dad's birthday and Father's day happened. Too many celebrations in one month!! I wear all those made me eat like a crazy person. (these are the moments when I'm thankful for the workout!)
After so long i got the chance to meet Dad's girlfriend, Lulu. Is not like we didn't have any contact with her and stuff but, we never had the chance to personally meet. She's such a nice and creative lady. Hopefully we'll meet again! (forgot to mention she also loves animals! BIG YAY for that!)

Mom and grandpa came back form Spain! I'm happy to have the mommy around here again but, I also had a very busy week after they came back. The school year came to an end and it is madness! Lots of things to finish, rehearsals, early, starts, etc. This year was extra sweet because the parents of our kids decided to get extra involved and prepared small reunions and even a mass for them. They were so kind to invite us and make us part of those celebrations. Couldn't be more thankful for all the love they showed us.

And now I'm officially on my Summer break! Not many plans tho! I want to film a few things to share on my channel and I'm sure that'll keep me busy~ Speaking of which, don't forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel MonStar's Little Vlog for weekly updates of what goes on in my life. Thank you to those who are already subscribed! I love you a ton my little YT family!

This is it for now my lovers, hope you are enjoying a fun summer break!!

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